
A true love relationship is someone who accepts your past, supports your present, love you and encourages your future.



today study is 9.00 to 11.00
after is 3.00 to 5.00
is boring to use the 4 hours
we go to mcd to ate lunch
bt the mcd lunch is 12.00pm
we 11.20 is at mcd le
40 minutes is a long time to wait
so sad de.....
i was very hungry le
after ate
we go to my friend house
the house is small
bt is warm n happy

at 4.00
i was hungry too
fast to hungry de
sad de

then after school
i ate bread

at 7.00pm
i go to dance
is belly dance
love too
bt is not find the feel too
sad de....
i learn some skill on today

in my heart
i just 1 to cry
bt is no happen anything
i like quietly

by viki

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